

FHH introduces Due AML

“Due AML is a digital tool which covers our entire need to make a qualified money laundry check”  says Johan Jacobsson, CEO and Partner at Flood Herslow Holme. In January, Flood Herslow Holme introduced Due AML for money laundring checks. Due AML takes the user through 8 clear and simple steps.The solution...
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Warwick Legal Network – conference

Andreas Klow has attended the biannual conference with Warwick Legal Network. This time hosted by Vaz Serra e Associados in Lisbon Portugal. The theme of the conference was “INTERNATIONALIZATION: COMMERCE & SPORTS”. The various topics ranged from international tax in sports to contracts in formula one. These topics are relevant for FHH and the...
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Working opportunity for associates

Flood Herslow Holme Advokatbyrå är en modern advokatbyrå med 30 anställda, varav 23 är jurister. Våra kontor i Stockholm och Malmö erbjuder tjänster inom merparten av de affärsjuridiska kompetensområdena. FHH expanderar och vi behöver förstärka vårt team med i vart fall en jurist till vårt kontor i Stockholm. Vi månar...
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